Mammograms & More

Masked woman in pink jacket jogging

Self-Referred Screening Mammograms for Women 40 and Up Now at Holy Cross Health

No Prescription Required! 

Holy Cross Health is partnering with you to make it easier to get your mammogram.

Women aged 40 and older no longer need a physician's order for a screening mammogram at Holy Cross Health. Existing patients can schedule your next mammogram in MyChart. New patients may schedule here

Patients must provide the name of a primary care physician when making their appointment so the results can be sent to the appropriate provider, and an appointment is still necessary.

If you prefer (or if you don't have an established relationship with a primary care physician), you may call Centralized Scheduling at 954-542-0277 to schedule an appointment without a physician's order.

October 2024 Mammogram Special

Existing Patient Scheduling with MyChart

New Patient Online Scheduling

Jeane M. Dorini Women's Imaging and Diagnostic Suite

The Jeane M. Dorini Women's Imaging and Diagnostic Suite, located at Holy Cross HealthPlex, represents a revolution in healthcare: a center designed especially for women, by women, to better address your needs and to make your experience so much more pleasant and fulfilling.

This diagnostic imaging center in Fort Lauderdale is designed as a Breast Imaging Center of Excellence by the American College of Radiology (ACR). The ACR recognizes breast imaging centers that have earned accreditation in mammography, stereotactic breast biopsy, and breast ultrasound (including ultrasound-guided breast biopsy). Here you'll benefit from the unparalleled expertise, sophisticated technology and compassionate care that set Holy Cross Hospital apart. But you'll enjoy it in a serene environment that feels decidedly spa-like. You'll find seminars, support services and other resources. That's because our mission is not only to promote your physical health, but to care for you emotionally and spiritually as well.

A New, More Comfortable Mammogram

Holy Cross is among the first in Florida to offer the SmartCurve™ breast stabilization system, which is clinically proven to deliver a more comfortable mammogram without compromising image quality, workflow or dose.  This latest innovation is part of Holy Cross' ongoing commitment to superior breast cancer detection and has the potential to increase screening volume and compliance for the countless women who have reported avoiding regular mammograms due in large part to the fear of discomfort associated with breast compression.


3D Mammography(TM) Technology

High incidence of breast cancer in the United States prompted the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) to release guidelines recommending screening mammograms every one to two years starting at age 40 and annually beginning at age 50. "The goal is to decrease deaths from breast cancer through early detection. Getting mammograms annually starting at age 40 will increase the chance of early detection,” says Anele Manfredini, MD (Family Medicine and Women’s Health, Holy Cross Medical Group). “It is important for physicians to discuss the benefits of early screening...and support [their patients] on the appropriate follow-up.”

Stereotactic Breast Core Biopsy

This is an examination of the breast under x-ray control to examine an area of interest with a mass or calcifications, and remove tissue samples for histology.

Holy Cross is the first Southeast Florida center to offer 3D™-guided breast biopsy, an advanced, minimally invasive technique utilizing the Hologic® Affirm™ Prone Breast Biopsy System. The Affirm Prone Biopsy System is the world’s first and only dedicated prone biopsy system to offer both 2D stereotactic  and 3D™ tomosynthesis imaging-guided breast biopsies. Many physicians (and patients) prefer to perform breast biopsies with the patient reclining comfortably in the prone position, removed from the field of view of the biopsy instruments.

The availability of 3D™ imaging for biopsy guidance facilitates the localization and accurate targeting of lesions, including those that can be challenging to detect with conventional imaging  techniques. In addition, this new biopsy technology from Hologic has several key advantages over standard X-ray biopsy procedures, including faster targeting and fewer X-ray exposures, resulting in shorter patient procedure time and reduced patient dose.

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Breast Needle Localization

This is a radiographic examination of the breast to place a guide wire in the mass to be excised.


This is a radiographic procedure to demonstrate the patency (openness) of a milk duct by introducing contrast medium into the duct, through the opening on the nipple. The patient or physicians office makes the appointment. The patient must be having an active discharge (secretions from the nipple). The exam is booked as soon as possible (same or next day). The patient reports to the Women's Center to be registered.

Bone Densitometry

This is an examination of the spine and hip and whole body if indicated, with the use of a pinpoint size x-ray source to determine the bone mineral density.


Ultrasonography uses the same technology used to view unborn children during pregnancy. This procedure can also be used to distinguish a benign cyst from a solid lesion in the breast tissue-which can eliminate the need for a biopsy. Other uses include evaluating abnormal vaginal bleeding, problematic fibroids and screening for ovarian cancer. Most important-it's completely safe.

Breast MRI

Breast MRI is the most thorough method for determining the existence and extent of breast cancer. This painless, non-evasive procedure uses magnetic fields combined with radio waves to pick up where other exams left off. So far, Breast MRI has detected more than 90 percent of the cancers in the opposite breast that were missed by other forms of detection. When the procedure is complete, your findings will be certain and so will your next steps.

Patient Navigator

One of the most exciting developments is the addition of our Patient Navigator. A registered nurse, our Patient Navigator has special training in oncology and breast health. If a problem is detected, our Patient Navigator is there to provide education and information as well as to work with your doctor to help facilitate appointments for additional imaging or procedures.