Our Team

Our Team

Taren O'Brien, MSN, RN

Taren O'Brien, MSN, RN

Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer 

As Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer at Holy Cross Health, Taren O’Brien is responsible for administering all aspects of nursing operations in accordance with the vision, mission and values of Holy Cross Health. In addition to nursing administration, she oversees pharmacy, respiratory, critical care, emergency services, inpatient services, perioperative services, and physical medicine and rehabilitation.

Taren is passionate about Zero Harm and the journey to becoming a highly reliable organization. She is committed to cultivating an environment where quality care as well as colleague and patient safety prevail, thus contributing to Holy Cross Health earning three consecutive As in the Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade.

Taren began her career at Holy Cross as a graduate nurse and in 2022 will be recognized for 30 years of service. She is a supporter for lifelong learning, committed to providing professional growth opportunities within the organization and enjoys career coaching.

She received a master's degree in nursing administration and financial leadership from Florida Atlantic University, where she also received her baccalaureate degree in nursing. In 2022, she received the FAU Hall of Fame & Distinguished Alumni Award. Taren remains an advocate for continuous process improvement.

Adrienne Wolfson, MSN, RN, CCRN-K

Adrienne Wolfson, MSN, RN, CCRN-K

Executive Director, Nursing Administration

Adrienne has been a colleague of Holy Cross Health for over 32 years in numerous jobs. Her love of critical care as a bedside nurse afforded her the opportunity to become part of the leadership team over 21 years ago. She has been a manager within critical care and step-down as well as advancing to an Executive Director over multiple departments.

Her current responsibilities as Executive Director include oversight of the Intensivist program in Critical Care, Respiratory Therapy, Occupational Health, Professional Practice with Training and Development, and Palliative and Hospice services. Adrienne developed a new role within Professional Practice called the Nurse Resident Development Specialist (NRDS).  This individual works with nurses in transition (nurse residents) by bridging the gap between academia, continuing education, the community, and professional development.

It was imperative we establish a safety net for our nurse residents so their success in our organization continues to flourish. This leader promotes lifelong learning as a continuing education provider while serving as a mentor for our nurse residents as they advanced their careers. Currently, we are in the process of hiring an additional NRDS. Additionally, Adrienne’s continual professional growth involves being a member of SFONE, ANA, Sigma Theta Tau, American College of Healthcare Executives, and AACN both national and local chapters.

Crystal Caruthers, MSN, RN

Crystal Caruthers, MSN, RN

Nurse Resident Development Manager

Crystal began her career at Holy Cross Health in 2008 and participated in the first nurse residency program offered in Broward County!  Since then, she knew that nurse residency programs played an integral part in the training and development of graduate nurses transitioning to competent nurses.  She has spent over 10 years working at the bedside in the critical care setting, case management, care transitions and outpatient surgery.

She has worked on initiatives that pertain to nurse retention and healthy work environment.  She has also served on numerous quality councils.  Crystal obtained her BSN degree from Barry University and her MSN degree from Western Governor’s University.  Her current role has allowed her to develop Holy Cross Health’s long standing Nurse Residency Program even more and serve as a mentor for graduate nurses.  Her love for the profession and clinical experience have driven her to make the nurse residency program a solid framework for the new nurse’s growth and success.

Lauren Didona, BSN

Lauren Didona MSN, RN

Nurse Resident Development Specialist 

Lauren Didona has a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and has been a registered nurse since 2016. She started on a Progressive Care Neuro Unit and transitioned to an Intermediate Care Stepdown Unit at Holy Cross Health and finally, in 2022, joined the Nurse Resident Development team. Lauren enjoys guiding new nurses toward their goals and believes education is the key to success for every nurse!

Linda Kurdziolek MSN, RN, PCCN

Linda Kurdziolek MSN, RN, PCCN

Nurse Resident Development Specialist- Night Shift

Linda Kurdziolek has a been a registered nurse since 1999, starting her career in Upstate New York. She came to Holy Cross as a travel nurse in 2002 where she worked on the med/surg unit (4 South) and then later transitioned to the Intermediate Care Stepdown Unit (IMCU) as core staff. While on 4 South and IMCU, she participated in numerous councils and activities. Linda earned her MSN degree from Westerns Governors University and obtained her PCCN certification and became a Clinical Nurse 4. She also served as Clinical Lead on IMC nightshift for 4 years and acted as relief Nursing Supervisor for the nightshift at Holy Cross.

Linda became a Nurse Resident Development Specialist in 2024, in hopes of using her clinical knowledge and education to help nurses develop critical thinking skills in the transition from novice to competent nurse. She knows the challenges new nurses face especially working the night shift and wants to be a resource and support system for them.