Surgical Services

Holy Cross Health offers a full contingent of inpatient and outpatient surgical services to meet your healthcare needs pre- and post- surgery.  


Physicians Outpatient Surgery Center 

Start the pre-procedure assessment process for Physicians Outpatient Surgery Center and complete your medical history online here. 


Please visit for pricing information.


To learn more about the Physicians Outpatient Surgery Center's financial assistance policy, charity care policy, and collection procedure, visit the Community Assistance Program:…

The service bundle information is a non-personalized estimate of costs that may be incurred by patients for anticipated services. Final costs will be based on services actually provided to the patient.

You have a right to request a personalized estimate from the Physicians Outpatient Surgery Center.

Please contact the health care practitioners anticipated to provide you with services while in the center regarding a personalized estimate, billing practices and participation with the patient’s insurance provider or health maintenance organization (HMO) as the practitioners may not participate with the same health insurers or HMO as the center.

Enhanced Recovery After Surgery at Holy Cross Health 

As we work to be your trusted health partner for life, Holy Cross Hospital now offers Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) procedures with the goal of reducing your pain and discomfort after surgery, while getting you moving faster.

This program is different from traditional care and requires that you take an active role in the healing process.  Your willingness to do so will help speed your recovery so that you can go home safe, soon.  

The ERAS team includes: physicians (i.e. anesthesiologists and surgeons); nurses from various areas of the hospital; information technology Associates; and registered dieticians.   

When does ERAS come into play? 

Currently, the following cases use ERAS procedures: 

  • Bariatric Surgery 
  • Colorectal Surgery  
  • Pancreatic Surgery

What difference does ERAS make?

ERAS allows for:

  • Patients to eat a light meal up to 8 hours before surgery
  • Patients to drink clear liquids up to 2 hours before surgery
  • Fewer tubes postoperatively
  • Patients will be able to eat and drink soon after surgery 
  • Increased focus on getting the patient up and walking, often the day of surgery  


Your doctor will be using more than one method of pain management.  Multiple methods can actually reduce the number of medications necessary to relieve pain, and can minimize uncomfortable side effects.

As a spin-off from this, the nurses on our surgical floor will be assembling a group of volunteer "Walkers" to walk with our patients.

Learn more 

About Physicians Outpatient Surgery Center 

Physicians Outpatient Surgery Center Medical Staff Roster 

 About Holy Cross Hospital's additional surgical services

About Rehabilitation Services after surgery 

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