Before Surgery

What You Need to Know Before Surgery

Total Joint Replacement General Strength Exercises for the Holy Cross Hospital Patient

The therapists at Holy Cross have designed an exercise program to prepare your muscles for the tasks of returning you to a functional lifestyle after your surgery is completed. In this video, you will find simple exercises that cover both the hip and knee joints that will prepare you for your surgery: Total Joint Replacement General Strength Exercises Video.

Pre-Surgical Information Video for the Total Joint Replacement Patient

Watch the Video: Pre-Surgical Information Video for the Total Joint Replacement Patient

Pre-Op Class


  • Pre-registration may be done by phone or in person. One of our staff members will call you a few days prior to your surgery.
  • You will need a picture ID and your insurance card to assist with this process.

Pre-Surgical Screening

  • The surgeon will have you get medical clearance from your primary medical doctor at least 30 days prior to having surgery.
  • Pre-surgical screening may be completed by phone by calling 954-267-7547. Otherwise, one of our staff members will call you a few days before your surgery to get information about your medications, insurance, living will (if applicable), etc.

Prepare for Surgery Day

  • Ensure you have all items identified on your checklist.

What You need to Know for the Day of Surgery.

Return to Pre-Surgical Information Page.