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When should I see a doctor about knee pain?

If you have pain that persists more than one week, it should be evaluated by a health care provider. Severe pain should be medically evaluated as soon as possible.

What are my treatment options?

Treatment depends on the underlying cause of the pain and the severity. Surgery is not usually the first option, but if the severity warrants surgery, Holy Cross Health provides high quality orthopedic care. Treatment options may include:

  • Exercise
  • Weight management
  • Rest
  • Pain medication and alternative therapies
  • Surgery

For individuals with pain, stiffness or arthritis in the knee, joint replacement surgery may be necessary. Joint replacement is a highly effective approach to eliminate pain, correct a deformity, treat advanced arthritis and improve mobility. Joint replacement surgery involves removing or replacing damaged cartilage or bone with a resurfaced joint to mirror natural anatomy and movement.

In many cases, minimally invasive surgical techniques mean fewer and smaller incisions, less discomfort, a shorter hospital stay and faster recovery.

Holy Cross Health also offers MAKOplasty for knees.

To request an an appointment, click or call 954-958-4800.