Do I Qualify for Bariatric Surgery?
Undergoing weight loss surgery is a major decision that requires education, careful consideration and a commitment to a complete lifestyle change. Below is a list of criteria to help you determine if bariatric surgery is right for you. If you find that you are not a candidate, other weight loss options are available for you.
To be a candidate for weight-loss surgery, you must:
- Be 18 years of age or older
- Have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 40 or greater or be 100 pounds or more overweight from ideal body weight.
- If your BMI is between 35 – 39.9, you have at least one to two significant co-morbidities (associated illnesses) such as diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, or sleep apnea.
- Have no drug or alcohol addictions or have at least one year of sobriety.
- Have documented attempts to lose weight medically.
- Not smoke or be making every effort to stop smoking.
- Have a personal ongoing commitment to improving your health, nutrition, and lifestyle.
The BMI calculator is provided for your information only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, and may not represent your true individual medical situation. It does not take all possible factors into account in its assessment of your healthy weight. For example, it tends to overestimate body fat in very muscular individuals or in people who are less than 5 feet tall, and may underestimate body fat in people who have lost muscle mass, such as the elderly. A more accurate picture of your health would utilize body composition. Do not use this information to make significant changes in your diet, exercise regimen, or other aspects of your lifestyle without consulting your personal physician or other qualified health care provider as recommended by your physician.
Options for Non-Candidates
If you've determined that you're not a candidate for weight loss surgery, don’t worry. There are non-surgical weight loss options available at Holy Cross Health as well.
Medically Supervised Weight Loss
Check with your physician to see if this option is available. If you need a physician, call us at 954-542-3223 for a physician referral or Find a Doctor.
Nutrition and Exercise Counseling
The Zachariah Family Wellness Pavilion located at Holy Cross Health, is a medical fitness facility that offers programs to help those struggling with their weight or struggling to meet their diet and fitness goals.
Call 954-542-7950 to learn more.
If you're a bariatric patient from outside of the United States, find information about Holy Cross' Global Health Services here, call us toll-free at 1-866-262-8621, or email

About Our Bariatric Surgery Program
As the leader of weight loss surgery in southern Florida, Holy Cross has helped more than 5,000 people lose more than 660,000 pounds combined.
Learn More